Mike Moran is a bestselling author and industry thought leader known for the “SEO Bible” Search Engine Marketing, Inc. and founder of the popular digital marketing blog Biznology.

Two world-renowned digital marketing thought leaders show how to integrate content marketing with Big Data to deliver exactly the right messages to exactly the right customers and influencers. IBM’s James Mathewson and Converseon’s Mike Moran reveal how to make the most of today’s big data algorithms to shape your messages and get them past Google and Facebook.
Called the “Bible of Search Marketing,” Search Engine Marketing, Inc. is known in the industry as the definitive practical guide to driving value from search. The totally revamped third edition was published in December 2014 and delivers an accessible approach to organic and paid search, complemented by social media.
Before agile marketing was dubbed “agile,” there was Do It Wrong Quickly. Named one of the 11 best business books of 2007 by the Miami Herald, one of 25 Essential Reads for Web Pros by Website Magazine, and one of Top 100 Social Media Books Ever by Mellow Billow, Do It Wrong Quickly is a groundbreaking call-to-action.

I founded Biznology in 2005, which features my own writing as well as that of other experts from around the web on subjects that bring business and technology together, such as digital marketing. Here are all of the Biznology articles.

Columnist for the Rutgers Business School blog since 2014
List of articles for Rutgers Business School

Columnist for Business 2 Community since 2010

Columnist for C-Suite Advisors from 2017-2019

Columnist for SEMPO from 2017-2020

Columnist for Search Engine Guide from 2008-2016 and Small Business Answers from 2008-2009

Columnist for Chamber of Commerce blog from 2013-2016

Columnist for All Things WOMM (Word of Mouth Marketing) from 2014-2016

Columnist for WebProNews 2007-2011

Columnist for Internet Evolution from 2008-2010

Regular search columnist for Revenue Magazine from 2006 to 2008 Articles for Revenue Magazine (now Blue Book)

Author of One Web Image, Viewpoint magazine (January 2002), pp. 12-14. This article explained ibm.com’s means of governing its huge website and showed how IT governance is the key to a consistent user experience on a large website such as ibm.com.
Guest Articles

“Is Google Missing Your Web Site?” on InformIT

Two articles on IBM developerWorks, called “Get your Web pages into search indexes” and “Improve search marketing for large sites.”

Two articles on Search Engine Land; “Are Your Customers Looking for a Problem?” and ““See No Evil” Is No Way For Big Companies To Deal With Search Spam“

“Why Search Marketing Is So Hard” in Lee Odden’s Online Marketing Blog

“The Three Biggest Mistakes in Search Marketing” in the Yahoo! Search Marketing Blog